The people_ table holds server and site administrators, as well as other significant 'people' to the server operation. A person can be listed in this table and not be a server or site admin because they may be a contact person for a list. The sites that an admin has rights over is listed as vertical bar (|) separated list in the WhatSites_ column. If a site admin needs to support more sites than can fit into this column a second people_ table entry should be created, or the person should be elevated to a server admin. This design is likely to change in the future.
Primary key: Name_
Field Name |
Description |
Version Added |
Comment_ |
Comments about this person (text, NULL) |
EnableWYSIWYG_ |
Whether this admin should have the HTML editor enabled by default. (bool, 'T' is default) |
Added in 8.8 |
EmailAddr_ |
Person's email address (varchar(100), NULL) |
FaxNum_ |
Person's fax number (varchar(50), NULL) |
Name_ |
Unique name of the person (varchar(50), NOT NULL) |
Password_ |
Password for this person. The password is encrypted. (not needed if not admin) (varchar(50), NULL) |
PeopleID_ |
A unique identifier for each person |
PostAddr_ |
Person's postal address (varchar(238), NULL) |
ServerAdm_ |
Is this person a server admin? (bool) |
Site_ |
Name of site this person belongs to. May be 'all', indicating that the sites are stored in WhatSites_. (varchar(50), NOT NULL) |
SiteAdmin_ |
Is this person a site administrator? (bool) |
TelNum_ |
Person's telephone number (varchar(50), NULL) |
WhatSites_ |
What sites can this person administer. Site names in a string separated by | (for site admin only) (varchar(238), NULL) |
Lyris, Inc. Self-Serve Portal:
6401 Hollis Street., # 125
Emeryville, CA 94608
Customer Support:
1-888-LYRIS-CS (1-888-597-4727)
Monday through Friday
6:00 a.m.--6:00 p.m. PST