The Top Domain MailStream Status--All page shows you information Top Domain MailStream Status -- Allabout top domains and any blockage they may be experiencing.
How to get there:
In the Tom Domain Status section of the Deliverability Dashboard, click Status for all Top Domains.
Column Descriptions
The colored circled in this column indicates the MailStream status of the domain:
Red: All IPs completely blocked
Orange: At least 51% of IPs are blocked
Yellow: Up to 50% of IPs are blocked
Green: No blocks on any IPs
% Blocked
The percent of IPs that are blocked. When the Status circle is red, indicating all IPs are blocked, a message appears; i.e., Bad DNS (see the image above).
The name of the domain being examined for blockage.
# Members
The number of members in the domain.
A description of the problem causing the blockage.
To remove all blocks for the MailStream
Click the Release All button.
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