The Rejection Messages page shows you any rejection messages sent to you, resulting from transient or permanent failures for a particular mailing. From here, member details can be viewed and edited.
To view the mailing itself, click the mailing link at the top of the page. This will take you to the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Message Body page.
Finding a Rejection Message
From the drop-down menu, select the desired view for rejection messages. "All" will display all the rejection messages for the mailing; alternatively, the view can be filtered to see either transient or permanent failure messages only.
Twenty rejection messages for the mailing are displayed. To view more, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of rejection messages at a time.
You may change the sorting order of the rejection messages by clicking the up or down triangles next to Type, User, and Domain. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click on Next to see the next twenty recipients, Previous to see the last twenty.
The sort options are:
Displays the type of failure (bounce). It will either be permanent or transient.
Displays the username. This will be everything to the left of the "@" symbol in the user's email address. For example, in the user ID "jane_person"," the name "jane_person" will be displayed.
Displays the user domain. This will be everything to the right of the "@" symbol in the user's email address. For example, in the user ID "," the domain "" will be displayed.
A detailed log of the rejection message(s) for the failure.
View Member
To view a member, click "view member". You will be taken to the Members: New/Edit Member: Basics page, where you can view the member, edit it, or save it.
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