You are here: Mailings > View Outgoing Mailings > Recipient Sending Details > Basics

Mailings: View Outgoing Mailings: Mailing Recipients: Recipient Sending Details: Basics




Displays the name of the mailing. This can be clicked to go to the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailings: Message Body page, to access detailed information about the mailing itself.



Displays the date and time when the mailing was sent to the particular recipient.


Message ID

Displays the ID of the mailing. This can be clicked to go to the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailings: Message Body page, to access detailed information about the mailing itself.



Displays the member (recipient) email address. Clicking on the address takes you to the Members: Edit Member: Basics page, where member information can be accessed and edited.



Displays the status of the mailing for that recipient. The following are the possible status messages:




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