Images that can be used in templates, content, and mailings. When uploaded, each image is assigned to the current site. When assigned to template, content, or mailing, the lyrImage row is copied to a new row and marked as in-use by the template, content, or mailing.
Field Name | Description | Version Added |
DocID | Template or content DocID_ to which this image is assigned. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageContentType | MIME content-type of the image. (varchar(255), NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageData | This column is reserved for future use. (binary data, NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageFolderID | ImageFolderID in which this image resides. When null, this image has been assigned to a template, content, or mailing. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageHeight | Height in pixels of the image. (int, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageID | Unique ID identifying this image. (int, identity, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageSize | Size in bytes of the image. (int, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageTitle | User-editable name of this image. Within an image folder, ImageTitle must be unique. (varchar(255), NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageWidth | Width in pixels of the image. (int, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
InmailID | inmail.MessageID_ to which this image is assigned. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
LastUpdated | Date/time of the last modification to the image. (datetime, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ModerateID | moderate_.MessageID_ to which this image is assigned. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
RemoteUrl | URL of the image. (varchar(4000), NULL) |
SiteID | Site ID to which this image belongs. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
ThumbData | Thumbnail-size version of image. (binary data, NULL) | 9.2 |
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