The log_ table keep a record of every email send out by ListManager, except single recipient mail such as subscription confirmations or hello documents. This data is mainly interesting to administrators but is also used by the Lyris ListManager billing program.
Primary key: LogID_
Field Name |
Description |
Version Added |
Body_ |
The body text of this log entry, if applicable (text, NULL) |
ByteCount_ |
The size of the message, in bytes. (int, NULL) |
Created_ |
Date log entry was created (smalldatetime, NULL) |
List _ |
Name of list this log entry is for, if applicable (varchar(60), NULL) |
LogID_ |
Unique log ID (int, identity, NOT NULL) |
OutmailID_ |
ID of the row in outmail_ that generated this log entry. (int, NULL) |
RecipientCount_ |
The number of recipients to receive this message. (int, NULL) |
Referer_ |
Name of the object this log entry is referring to (varchar(50), NULL) |
Site_ |
Name of site this log entry is for, if applicable (varchar(50), NOT NULL) |
Source_ |
Source module that is logging this ('ListManager list posting', 'ListManager autoresponder', 'ListManager digest posting', 'ListManager index posting'). (varchar(50), NOT NULL) |
SubsetID_ |
The ID of the subset used to create the message this log entries details. NULL or 0 if no subset used. (int, NULL) |
Title_ |
English title of this log entry description (refers to documents table) (varchar(200), NULL) |
UserName_ |
Person who caused this log (varchar(100), NULL) |
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