You are here: Members > Edit Synchronization Settings > Synchronization Schedule

Members: Edit Synchronization Settings: Schedule


These settings specify when ListManager will synchronize with the external database source specified.


Note that the server administrator establishes a scheduled baseline frequency to check for synchronization--by default, once every 30 minutes. The schedule established here works within this scheduled frequency.



Specifies how frequently ListManager will automatically synchronize the list member data with the external database. The options are:



ListManager will never synchronize automatically. You may synchronize by going to Members: Synchronize Now, or by setting your list to synchronize before mailing in Mailings: New Mailing: Recipients.


Once Per Day

ListManager will synchronize with the external database once per day at the earliest opportunity.


Once Per Week

ListManager will synchronize with the external database once per week on the day you specify at the earliest opportunity.


As Frequently as Possible

ListManager will synchronize with the external database as frequently as it can, subject to the limits in Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Scheduled Tasks.


Note that frequent synchronization may cause poor performance.


Time of Day

Specifies what time of day ListManager should attempt to synchronize, given that a frequency has been selected.


Any Time of Day

ListManager will attempt to synchronize as early as it can, subject to the frequency specified above and to the limits set by the server schedule.


During the Hours of xx-xx --xx-xx (May Pass Through Midnight

Specifies the window to begin synchronization.





This setting allows the database to start synchronization between the hours of 11:00 pm and 2:30 am.


If the frequency for synchronization is set to once per week, the synchronization window closes on the day specified. For example, if the Frequency is once a week on Sundays, and the Time of Day is between 23:00--2:30, synchronization may begin between 11:00 pm Saturday night and 2:30 am Sunday morning.


NOTE If the server is not scheduled to check for synchronization during this time, no synchronization will occur. Also note that this setting does not affect the duration of the synchronization; once started, synchronization will proceed until it is completed, regardless of the window specified here.


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