You are here: Members > Add Members > Import Members from Text File

Members: Add Members: Import Members from Text File


This page allows you to import email addresses from a text file. Email addresses which are already members will be skipped. To update members with additional demographic information, use Import Members from CSV File.


The file must be a plain-text file. Each email address and name must be on a separate line, and must be in one of the following formats: Bob Shelby (Bob Shelby)
Bob Shelby <>


Note that once the import has started, you may not close the window until the import is completed.



You may import members in one of four ways:


Import quietly as regular members

Import the members into the list, but do not send a hello or confirmation message. These members will receive normal list mailings.


Import as regular members and send list hello doc

Import the members into the list, and send them the hello message as specified for your list in Utilities: Document Associations. If no document is specified here, new members will receive a generic message from ListManager. These members will receive normal list mailings.


Import as unconfirmed members, and send confirmation request

Import the members into the list as unconfirmed, and send them the confirmation message as specified for your list in Utilities: Document Associations. If no document is specified here, new members will receive a generic message from ListManager. These members will not receive normal list mailings until they confirm their memberships.


Terminate import

Sets the number of consecutive invalid email addresses to end the import process. For instance, you may want to terminate the import after 10 invalid email addresses, and check your formatting to see why so many addresses are failing. You can also set it to "Do not terminate import due to malformed addresses" if you'd like to ignore any bad addresses and process the import as-is.


Select file

Enter the path of the file that contains the members you'd like to import. Or, select Browse to find the file.



Click import to begin the member import. ListManager will display the number of addresses successfully imported, and display the addresses skipped due to being duplicates or invalid addresses.


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