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Reports: EmailAdvisor: Inbox Snapshot


Inbox Snapshot captures what your message looks like in more than forty email clients. It shows you what the message looks like both in the preview and main message panes, with and without images. Inbox Snapshot also includes a spell check, HTML validator and link validator to ensure that your message looks right.


Audit Information

From Address

The From: address of the message.



The subject of the message.


Date Sent

The date the send was started, Eastern Standard Time.


Time Sent (EST)

The time the send was started, Eastern Standard Time.


Message Size

The total size of the message, in bytes. Note that the size includes header and encoding information that may not be visible in an email client.


Snapshot Issues

A list of the issues this message has.


Inbox Preview Issues

The number of issues found when reviewing the Inbox Previews.


Possible HTML Issues

The number of potential HTML code problems. Problems with the HTML code may cause the message to render incorrectly in some email clients, or to be filtered as spam.


Possible Spelling Issues

The number of spelling errors found by the Spelling Check.


Link Issues

The number of dead links found.


Total Snapshot Issues

The total number of issues found for this message.


Inbox Preview Report

Click to be taken to the Inbox Preview for this message, where you will be able to view the message in various email clients and be able to accept or reject them.


View Raw Message

Click to see what the message looks like as sent. This view will show all the code, including message headers and boundaries.


View Message in Browser

Click to view the message in your web browser. Keep in mind that the message may look very different when viewed in email clients.


Inbox Preview Report

The Inbox Preview Report displays a summary of the Inbox Previews viewed, accepted or rejected. Click plus.jpg to expand the view and see all results; click minus.jpgto hide them.


Status Icon

A colored icon indicating the status for each view. The possible statuses are:



Ready, but not viewed











The name of the email client (e.g., Outlook). Click plus.jpgto expand the view and see results for all possible views; click minus.jpgto hide them.



Any comment about this view. Comments may be added when rejecting a proof in Inbox Preview.



Link Validation

Inbox Snapshot checks all the URLs in your message to ensure they are valid and working correctly. Click plus.jpg to expand the view and see all results; click minus.jpgto hide them.



The URL tested for its validity.



The validity of this URL. The statuses are:








The type of link: image/gif, text/html or unknown.



The size in bytes of the download link.



A description of the problem found with the link.



HTML Validation

The HTML Validator report analyzes the HTML content of the message and advises of any problems with the HTML. Some email providers filter messages that contain HTML errors. Click plus.jpgto expand the view and see all results; click minus.jpgto hide them.



The line number(s) where the potential problem was detected.



 Any HTML code that may cause problems for some recipients; for example, Internet Explorer features that will not render properly in Netscape. The message is tested against the HTML 1. specification.


Spelling Check

This report shows suspected misspelled words and suggests corrected spellings. Note that the spell check results will not identify words that are spelled correctly but are incorrect grammatically. Click plus.jpgto expand the view and see all results; click minus.jpgto hide them.


Misspelled Word

The word identified as misspelled.



Where in the message the word was found (subject or body).



Suggested corrected spellings for the misspelled word.


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