You are here: ListManager Programmer's Guide > ListManager Tables > Configuration > domainconnectionlimits_

Summary of "domainconnectionlimits_" fields for ListManager


This table stores any domains that should have a different number of connections than is the default for the server. This controls the maximum number of connections allowed to a given domain's IP address. Some domains will not allow many connections to their mail servers, and this allows ListManager to be configured to not try and open so many connections. By default ListManager will open up to ten connections per IP address. Opening more connections often causes too much load on the receiving mail server, and may kick off "denial-of-service" attack warnings, which will cause the ListManager server to get blocked/banned. It is STRONGLY suggested that this setting not be increased beyond ten, but in fact be used to limit ListManager for those servers that won't even allow ten connections.


Primary key: Domain_




Field Name


Version Added


Specifies the maximum number of TCP connections the mail sender is allowed to establish to a given IP per hour



The domain that should be limited in the number of connections allowed. The domain should be in lower-case. (varchar(250), NOT NULL)



Specifies the maximum number of email messages allowed to be sent per TCP connection.



The number of connections to allow, per IP address, to this domain. (smallint, NOT NULL)




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