You are here: Content > Creating New Content > Content: New Content: Advanced

Content: New/Edit Content: Advanced


For a step-by-step guide to making content, see Content: New Content.


The Advanced Headers page allows you to join to other tables, add additional headers, specify the language for informational purposes, and view the date this content was created.


Join Other Tables

By default, ListManager only has access to its own database tables. To access data in other tables in your database, list the table names here, separated by commas. The standard members table is already included, and need not be specified. The fields in the tables specified here will be available for mail merging and conditional content.



demographics.customers, demographics.phonenumbers


Note that in order for the data to be pulled in properly the content must be sent to a segment that specifies how ListManager should join to it. See Joining to Another Table for more information.



The file names of your attachments are listed here.


To attach a file

Click the Attach File button. You will be taken to Content: New Attachment, where you can add an attachment.


To remove a document already attached to the content

Click the Remove command to its name.


To view an attachment

Click its name.


Additional Headers

The message header is the part of the message that describes whom the message is from, whom it is addressed to, how the message should be displayed, and so forth. ListManager creates the correct header for your message automatically.


The optional text you specify as Additional Headers will be appended to the end of the message header of mailings created with this content. A message header text has the form of Key: Value.


If you want to add text to the header that is not a standard email header, you should prefix your key name with X- so that it does not interfere with normal operation of electronic mail. For example:


X-Legal: Contents Copyright 1997 Example Corp Ltd.


Note: All document association messages will appear as coming "FROM: Lyris ListManager". This can be overwritten here by adding other headers.


Note: If headers or footers are defined at multiple levels, i.e. server, site, or list, eachheader/footer will be added; one will not overwrite the other.  


Date Created

The date this content was originally created. For informational purposes only.


Learn about saving and testing content.



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