You are here: Mailings > Mailing Status > Completed Mailings from Past Week

Mailings: Mailing Status: Completed Mailings from Past Week


The Mailings: Completed Mailings page shows you all mailings which were created and approved for mailing in the last week (7 days).


Finding a Mailing

Twenty mailings for the list are displayed in Mailings: Completed Mailings from Past Week. To view more, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Shore more will show greater numbers of mailings at a time.


You may change the sorting order of the mailings by clicking the up or down triangles next to ID, Date Created, Mailing Name, Recips, or Success. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click Nextto see the next twenty mailings, previous to see the last twenty.


The sort options are:



The ID ListManager has assigned this mailing.



The date and time when this mailing was created.


Mailing Name

The name you gave this mailing.



The number of recipients to be sent this mailing.



The percentage success rate for the mailing. If it is 100%, that means every message sent within this mailing was successful.


Viewing or Editing a Mailing

To view a mailing, click on the mailing title. You will be taken to the Mailings: Outgoing Mailings: Edit Mailing screen, where you can view the mailing, edit it, or save it.


Creating a Mailing

Click create new mailing to be taken to Mailings: New Mailing.


Download as a File

Click on the disk icon to download your mailings in CSV format.



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