This table is a lookup for allowed values in the performancemetrics_ table for the axis of a chart.
Primary key: ChartID_
Field Name | Description | Version Added |
ChartID_ | An auto-numbering field to provide a unique row identifier. (int, NOT NULL) |
BackgroundColor_ | The RGB value of the background for this chart. (int, NULL) |
BucketSize_ | The number of entries in each bucket. (varchar (10), NOT NULL) |
BucketType_ | The type of calculation to apply to the bucket, such as 'sum' or 'std-deviation'. (varchar(20), NOT NULL) |
ChartTitle_ | A title for the chart that will appear on the PNG image. (varchar(70), NULL) |
CreateDate_ | The date and time the chart was first created. (smalldatetime, NOT NULL) |
Description_ | A description of this chart. (varchar(255), NULL) |
EndDate_ | For time range charts, the date and time that the chart should end with. (smalldatetime, NULL) |
GDChartType_ | The type of chart (such as pie or line), using the numeric constants from GDChart. (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
ModifiedDate_ | The date and time the chart was last modified. (smalldatetime, NOT NULL) |
Series_ | Information about the series in the chart. (text, NULL) |
Site_ | The site associated with this chart. (varchar(50), NOT NULL) |
StartDate_ | For time range charts, the date and time that the chart should start with (smalldatetime, NULL) |
YAxisLabel_ | The textual label for the Y axis that will appear on the PNG image. (varchar(70), NULL) |
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