Make sure that servers have been validated and synched prior to entering new customer information, in order for new servers and lists to appear in the billing system.
1. Go to Utilities: Administration: Billing: Customers: Configure.
2. Click create new customer.
The New Customer page appears with four tabs. Click each tab and add the information described below.
Basic Information tab
1. Specify whether the customer Is Active.
Learn more about making a customer inactive.
2. Enter contact information about the customer:
P.O. Number
Vendor Number
Contact Name
Email Address: This address will receive invoices.
Additional Addresses: Any additional email addresses that you wish to send invoices.
NOTE This is called "Additional Email Addresses" in ListManager 10.2b and later
Email Invoice Template: Click this box, and then choose the template you created when you set up Billing.
Web Invoice Template: Same as above.
Payment Information tab
1. Specify a Payment Method for this customer:
Free:This customer does not pay for your services.
Invoice: This customer receives an invoice, and pays by money order or check.
Credit Card: This customer pays by credit card. Credit card information may be entered in the Payment Information tab.
2. Enter Payment Method Notes (optional).
3. Enter the cardholder's name, address, city, state, Zip code, and country.
4. Click the Use AVS box and choose one of the options. AVS (Address Verification Security) ensures that if the credit card billing address does not match the address on this page, payment is not made.
5. If you chose "Credit Card" as the payment method, enter the credit card number and expiration information.
Information Tab
1. In the Customer Information box, enter any additional information you would like to have on record for this customer.
2. Enter a Phone Number and Extension.
Additional Settings
1. Enter the Start and End Date, if applicable.
2. Enter the Salespeople responsible for this account, if applicable.
3. Enter a note that you would like to be included in your invoices to customers.
When you are finished entering information in the tabs, click the Save button.
NOTE After you create a customer, you must create at least one billing group for the customer.
Lyris, Inc. Self-Serve Portal:
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Customer Support:
1-888-LYRIS-CS (1-888-597-4727)
Monday through Friday
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