The list of banned members for this server. Bans can be at a server, site, or list level, and may ban members in a variety of ways - with a complete email address, by banning all members at a given domain, or accepting only named users.
Primary key: UniqueID_
Field Name |
Description |
Version Added |
UniqueID_ |
Auto-numbering field to uniquely identify this row. (int, NOT NULL) |
Created_ |
The time and date this entry was first created. (date, NULL) |
Domain_ |
The domain portion of the email address. (varchar (250), NULL ) |
ListID_ |
The list that this ban is associated with. NULL for a site or server ban. (int, NULL) |
SiteID_ |
The site that this ban is associated with. NULL for a list or server ban. (int, NULL) |
StopLogic_ |
Logic for processing the ban information. A = always accept this user, C = conditionally accept this user, R = reject this user. (char(1) NOT NULL) |
UserNameLC_ |
The user name for this ban, if any, in lower case. (varchar (100) NULL) |
Lyris, Inc. Self-Serve Portal:
6401 Hollis Street., # 125
Emeryville, CA 94608
Customer Support:
1-888-LYRIS-CS (1-888-597-4727)
Monday through Friday
6:00 a.m.--6:00 p.m. PST