You are here: Utilities > Administration > Server > License Capabilities

Utilities: Administration: Server: Operational Statistics: License Capabilities


This page tells you the capabilities of your ListManager server or this node, as determined by your ListManager license. If you have recently purchased a license upgrade, you can refresh your license capabilities view by clicking "refresh this page" at the top of this page. You may need to restart ListManager and the ListManager web server for the new capabilities to take effect.


If you would like to upgrade your license, please contact your account representative at 800-768-2929, email, or click "contact your salesperson" at the top of the page.


Clear Activation

Click this button to clear ListManager's activation code. You may need to clear and get the activation code if you have moved ListManager or if you have changed your ListManager license.


Get Activation

Click this button to get ListManager's activation code.

Server Level Limits


Serial Code

Your ListManager serial code.


Activation Code

The activation code of ListManager. When your serial number is activated, this code is generated. It determines the capabilities of your ListManager server.


Expiration Date

If a time-limited license, the date the license expires.



Is Rebrandable

Indicates whether all references to ListManager may be removed from this server.


Max Version

Indicates the maximum version number of ListManager that this server is allowed to upgrade to. This is determined at the time of the sale and is dependent upon the support package purchased.


Last Day to Upgrade

Indicates the final date, in YYYY/MM/DD format, that this server is allowed to upgrade to higher versions of ListManager. This is determined at the time of the sale and is dependent upon the support package purchased.


Hardware ID

Displays the internal server number used by Lyris to identify your server.


Max Instances

The number of instances of ListManager that can be run on this server.


Max Click Servers

The number of remote web servers allowed to track clicking activity.


Is Date Restricted

Whether or not this license is date restricted.


Allow Clustering



Allow Foreign Member Table

Whether or not a foreign member table (deprecated) may be used on this server.



Allow Billing

Whether the billingfeature may be used on this server.


Allow Pro Charting

Whether charts are visible on this server.


Allow Detect HTML

Whether the feature to detect recipient's ability to see HTML messages may be used on this server.


Allow Detect Opens

Whether this server is allowed to detect opening of messages.


Allow Clickthrough

Whether this server is allowed to track trackable URLs.


Allow Clickstream

Whether this server is allowed to track clickstreams.


Allow Referral Tracking

Whether the Referral tracking feature is available on this server.


Allow SSL

Whether this server allows SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), to manage the security of your web server.


Allow Surveys

Whether this server allows survey forms, to poll users.


Allow Granular Permissions

Whether or not this server allows the creation of permission groups for added security.


Allow Campaigns



Purchase Tracking

Whether this server is allowed to track purchases.


Interest Tracking

Whether this server is allowed to track interest points and interest events.


Triggered Mailings

Whether this server is allowed to create triggered mailings.


Sequential Mailings

Whether this server is allowed to create sequential mailings.


Split Test Mailings



Other Enterprise Features

Any other Enterprise level features allowed by this server.


Other Enterprise Reports

Any other Enterprise level reports allowed by this server.


Mail Engine Limits


Max SMTP Connections

The maximum number of messages that can be sent simultaneously (simultaneous sends).


Max Messages Per Hour

The maximum number of messages that ListManager may send an hour as determined by your activation code. Your actual speeds may vary depending on your bandwidth, DNS server, list quality and other factors.

List and Site Limits


Maximum Members

The maximum number of members allowed for the entire server. If you exceed this number, your ListManager server will be disabled.


Current Total Members

The current number of total members on this server.


Max Sites

The maximum number of sitesallowed.


Subsets Available

Whether this server is allowed to send messages to segments, as opposed to the entire list.


Conditional Content Available

Whether this server is permitted to use conditional content and advanced scripting.


Mailing Merge/Purge Available

Indicates whether or not lists may be mergedor earlier postings may be purgedon this server.


MultiView NNTP Available

Indicates whether or not the MultiView feature is enabled on this server.


Databases Supported

The databases your license allows you to use.


Current Database Used

Which type of database you are currently using.


Lyris, Inc.

6401 Hollis Street., # 125

Emeryville, CA 94608

Customer Support:

1-888-LYRIS-CS (1-888-597-4727)




Monday through Friday

6:00 a.m.--6:00 p.m. PST

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