This page helps you to create a subscription form. Once you are done creating your form, view the HTML and copy it into the web page you'd like to have a subscribe form. For a step-by-step guide to making your subscription form, see Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form.
NOTE If you have changed the name of the server admin to be something other than Admin, this form will not work properly.
Subscribe forms only show the lists that a specific list administrator has rights to.
NOTE Your web forms won't work if the host name assigned to ListManager is incorrect. If your form isn't working properly, check the URL to Web Interface in Utilities: Administration: Sites.
If you are not already on the New Subscribe Form page: In the left Navigation bar, select Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form.
Ask subscribers for name/Require password
Select whether you'd like your form to ask for the subscriber's name and a password, and whether these will be required or optional. The defaults you see for the subscribe form are set in Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Forum Interface: New Subscriber Requirements.
IMPORTANT As of version 9.2, ListManager started inserting code for password validation into your subscribe form. Any subscribe forms created with ListManager 9.1 or earlier will no longer function. You must update your subscribe form(s) using ListManager 9.2 or later.
Select whether or not you'd like your subscribers to confirm their membership, or what kind of welcome message they should receive. The options are:
Send One Confirmation Message
One confirmation message will be sent, even if the subscriber subscribes to many lists. The confirmation sent will be from the first list the member subscribed to. By replying to the confirmation message, subscribers will become normal members of all lists to which they have subscribed, and receive a hello message from each. It is strongly recommended you confirm all new memberships to prevent malicious people from signing up others to your lists.
Do Not Confirm and Send Only One Hello
The subscriber will not be confirmed. A single hello message welcoming subscribers will be sent from the first list subscribed to.
Do Not Confirm and Send a Hello Message for Each List
The subscriber will not be confirmed. A hello message welcoming subscribers will be sent from every list subscribed to.
Do Not Confirm and Do Not Send a Hello Message
The subscriber will not be confirmed, and no hello message welcoming the subscriber will be sent.
Destination URL (optional)
The URL subscribers will be taken to after filling out your form. If no URL is specified, they will be taken to a generic page thanking them for subscribing.
NOTE Be sure to type the full path. For example, if you want to direct members to the Lyris web site, type:
If you leave out the http:// and only type, ListManager inserts a path to a subscribe subfolder, so the full URL ends up being this:
Append subscribe information to destination URL
Set if you'd like to append subscribe information along with the URL when the form is passed along. This information includes the name and email address of the subscriber as well as the list name(s) and any demographic data that may be captured.
Show Confirming Web Page
If set to "yes", users will see a ListManager confirmation page after subscribing, informing them that they have successfully subscribed, or if they need to confirm their membership. They will then be taken immediately to the destination URL page if one is set above, otherwise they are taken to a generic "thank you for subscribing" page.
If set to "no", the confirmation page will not appear, and the user will be taken directly to the destination URL page (or generic page).
The default for this is set to "yes", and it is recommended that this confirming page be visible (leave set to "yes").
Note that if no Destination URL is defined, and Show confirming web page is set to "no", then when the subscriber submits the form, it will not redirect anywhere; the subscribe form page will just be refreshed. It is advisable to either set the confirmation page to "yes", enter a destination URL, or both.
Select the Lists that subscribers can join. By default, only the list you are logged into will
be displayed. To select more lists, click
By default, no demographic data will be added. To add fields for users to fill in with demographic information,
Note that if you request a date field, the user must enter it in one of the following formats:
yyyymmdd hh:mm
yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
Preview of your form
The subscribe form you've created will be displayed here. When it looks right, click
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